The Oneironaut 01

By Sheri-D Wilson

An oneironaut is a dream traveler, an explorer of inner space, which in Sheri-D Wilson’s futuristic poem is like being a unicorn, at least since the totalitarian overlords of the DoD (Department of Dreams) took over.

The sleep police are the next step in the evolution of the surveillance state, keeping the population in line mainly through use of a pill that prevents anyone from dreaming. But when a scientist named Rain stops taking her meds she becomes “awake for the first time,” enters a cosmic egg, and makes contact with a mythic underground movement.

The Oneironaut is the first part of a trilogy in verse and it rolls along with the fragmented, manic energy of a light show-cum-spoken word performance, full of exotic textual arrangements and capitalized sound effects. And it’s all put to great use, carrying a political message reminiscent of S. D. Chrostowska’s The Eyelid, as the unconscious stands in for the final frontier of freedom in a dystopic future that can’t even dream of escape.

8 thoughts on “The Oneironaut 01

    1. Depends on which side of the bed I get out of in the morning.

      Right here, right now.

      You have to be chosen for such a role. Sort of like pulling a sword from a stone.


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